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Reality Research Center


Annual report for a community centre for performance art and research

I was commissioned to design the annual report / Vuosikertomus for the Reality Research Center, which describes itself as "... a collective of artists engaged in performative adventures. Our shared aspiration is to observe, question, and renew reality by creating performances." The report employs visually rich metaphors, with abstract and fluid layouts that reflect the spirit of TTK's performance initiatives.


Todellisuuden Tutkimuskeskus

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Carbo Culture


Communication design for a carbon removal startup

Art direction and communication design to create infographics, graphs and digital publications for a carbon removal startup.

Visual identity design by Kokoro & Moi in 2020 and Bakken & Bæck in 2023


Carbo Culture

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Ethnographic findings reports

Scope Impact (previously known as M4iD) is a social impact company, accelerating social change at scale. They are based in Helsinki, Finland, and their work in equality, gender and health spans Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. "Core is a pioneering three-year project (2018–2020) aiming to better understand, equip and empower women to lead healthier sexual and reproductive lives. Moving beyond vertically-driven thinking about care-provision, Core charts a way forward to better respond to dynamic sexual and reproductive health care-seeking behaviours among women in India, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania. It combines human-centered design and interdisciplinary approaches to co-create new solutions for women’s sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing." - excerpt from When I was commissioned for this project, I adapted the Core brand identity and illustrations for diagrams, report decks and the Life-Course tool.


Scope Impact OY

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Fitech's Advanced Project Management


Educational material for a Business management course

This Advanced Project-based Management course was organized concurrently with FITech's Advanced Project-based Management course with Aalto University as the host university in 2018. FITech (Finnish Institute of Technology) is a network of universities of technology in Finland and it is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The course is organized in cooperation with Aalto University (Prof. Karlos Artto), Åbo Akademi University (Prof. Kim Wikström), Tampere University of Technology (Prof. Tuomas Ahola), and University of Oulu (Prof. Jaakko Kujala). I was hired to develop a consistent visual language across the diverse course content emerging from different professors from different universities.


Tampere University, Åbo Akademi University, Aalto University, University of Oulu

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Asian Institute of Oncology


Colour strategy for hospital signage & wayfinding system

The signage system was based on colour zones. During the research phase, the entire space was mapped and zoned according to function (from a patient's point of view), following which colours characteristics were connected with zone functions to create a signage system. The work also included structural, surface and typography design for the signage system.

Co-designer_Manasvi Rambhia / Creative direction_Latika Khosla


Asian Institute of Oncology / Freedom Tree Design

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