This Advanced Project-based Management course was organized concurrently with FITech's Advanced Project-based Management course with Aalto University as the host university in 2018. FITech (Finnish Institute of Technology) is a network of universities of technology in Finland and it is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The course is organized in cooperation with Aalto University (Prof. Karlos Artto), Åbo Akademi University (Prof. Kim Wikström), Tampere University of Technology (Prof. Tuomas Ahola), and University of Oulu (Prof. Jaakko Kujala). I was hired to develop a consistent visual language across the diverse course content emerging from different professors from different universities.

Advance Business Management – A collaboration between seven Finnish universities

FITech: Visualising teaching material

Tampere University, Åbo Akademi University, Aalto University, University of Oulu
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