Hullabaloo Children's Studio in Mumbai, offers classes in arts, music, storytelling, STEM, among others. Their classes are curated to engage and inspire children to imagine and create newness. For the visual identity, the main challenge was to create a brand language that seamlessly transitions between communications and interiors, between image and space.

Visual identity, Space design and Colour strategy for a hobby studio for kids

Copywriting, Marketing and Creative advice: Kripa Kotak. Mural artists: Rajaram & Sachin. Animations by Harsh Tiwari. Voiceover: Anokhi Uppoor. Photography: Aditya Uppoor

Hullabaloo Children's Studio

Hullabaloo Children's Studio
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Hullabaloo Children's Studio in Mumbai, offers classes in arts, music, storytelling and STEM – curated to engage and inspire children to imagine and create newness in everyday life.


For the visual identity, the main challenge was to create a brand language that seamlessly transitions between communications and interiors, between image and space. 

The goal of the branding exercise was to establish a brand that brings joy and fosters trust in its patrons, keeping people engaged across all touchpoints. Being a brand targeted at children, Hullabaloo needed to be seen by parents as a space dedicated to their child’s well-being.


Typographic explorations

The typographic intent with these explorations was to capture the feeling of yelling the word ‘Hullabaloooooo’, ––a feeling of animation and joy captured in type.




“a loud, continued noise / a state of commotion, excitement”

- Merriam Webster Dictionary

Considering the significance of the word ‘Hullabaloo’, the typography sought to give the brand a playful, confident and distinctive vibe. 



Colour has been used as tool for expression, with a deliberate, functional and intuitive approach guiding the colour choices. One of the primary goals of the brand vision, was to reflect the spirit of play, joy aliveness––which was the starting point for the colour design.

Brand fonts

Brand Mascot

Development of the cat illustration

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Meet the Cats!

Social Media

The brand on Social Media

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.... and more  touchpoints


Responding to requests from the Hullabaloo community, the centre also decided to host some classes for adults. For this purpose, a small visual identity was excavated from the main identity - these colours are now used for any communications about the classes for adults.


The main challenge of the branding process was the transition into physical space. The colours and other elements of the visual identity had to be adapted and modified to be suitable for an interior space. The colours specifically, which were bright and bold on screen and print, had to be toned down for the interior space. The proportions of the various colours in the palette were also modified. The bright red and yellow became accent colours, used in small amounts along with teal and purple. The eggshell blue, blush pink and a completely new grey became the primary colours for the space. Apart from the wall paints, the colours also had to be translated into fabric textures, laminates and wooden doors & windows.

Colour Palette Translation

Narrowing down paint swatches for wall colours

Final Colour Palette for interior walls

Final Proportion Palette for interior walls

Colour Blocking

The approach to spatial design was rooted in the idea of breaking boundaries and delightful surprises. The space had to inspire the children to imagine, help expand their minds and also provide delight and joy around every corner. This was achieved through colour blocking, i.e. using basic shapes and wrapping them around edges and corners.

Art Room – Flattened wall layout with colour blocks
Art Room with painted colour blocks

Music Room – Flattened wall layout with colour blocks
Music Room continues

The bending shapes bring a sculptural quality to structural intersections within the space.

Digital mockup - Entrance and Activity hall
Digital mockups - Designing the colour blocks

The Activity Hall painted with colour blocks
Four sides of the central pillar


The murals of the brand mascot in various places across the space added another layer of engagement for the kids while reinforcing the brand visuals as well.

Staircase Cat Mural
in progress

Final Mural

Behind the scenes with mural artists Rajaram and Sachin:

More behind-the-scene glimpses:

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