Brand makeover for Shamiana, the iconic all-day-diner at the Taj Mahal Palace Mumbai.

Brand refresh for a restaurant

Creative support_Ajay Shah | Copyrighting_Mikhail Vaishnav

Shamiana at Taj Mumbai

Taj Mahal Palace Hotel \ ASDS Mumbai
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Shamiana, the iconic all-day-diner at the Taj Mahal Palace Mumbai, recently went through a massive makeover. The café was the first 24X7 coffee shop to open in the 1970's and has seen a tremendous journey since then. It has long been a city icon and with its latest re-branding effort, sought to reach out to a younger audience while re-affirming its place in the hearts of its original patrons. ASDS in Mumbai was commissioned to conceive the visual applications of the re-branding project.

Left: Shamiana, 1972.   Right: Shamiana, 2016

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